Thousands of skaters, coaches and officials have proudly represented Speed Skating Canada on the national and international stages over the years. Learn more about the contributions our alumni have made to help grow the sport in Canada and the impact they’ve had on the sport globally.
Welcome back to the Speed Skating Canada family.
Whether you reached the pinnacle of our sport as an Olympic medallist, contributed to the national team’s success as a coach, officiated at the highest level of competition, or showed leadership in the board room, you have helped make Speed Skating Canada who we are today.
While we look ahead to the future, it’s important that we continue to celebrate our past. We want to capture the passion of former athletes, coaches, officials and administrators by preserving their connection to speed skating. And we want to highlight the great legacies of our alumni, while keeping our community up to date on what they have gone on to accomplish away from the oval.
Sign Up Now
We’re building out our alumni database to help connect you with special events, volunteer opportunities and more.
Please take the time to fill out the Alumni Survey to submit your contact information and let us know how you’d like to be involved in the Canadian speed skating community.
Get involved with Canadian speed skating once again.
We’re looking to foster long-term engagement with our alumni through a variety of programs, events and opportunities. The goal of these initiatives is to reacquaint you with Speed Skating Canada, reconnect you with fellow alumni and provide you with an opportunity to give back to the Canadian speed skating community.
ISU Event Invitations
World Cups and World Championships hosted in Canada provide the ideal backdrop for alumni reunions. Alumni within our database can expect to receive a special invitation to these world-class events, so please join us when we come to a city near you.
Your Ideas
We have a few things in the works and will update this page as our plans are finalized. In the meantime, we would love to hear your ideas! Let us know what kind of initiatives you would be interested in and how we as Speed Skating Canada can best engage you.
Learn more about those that have proudly worn the maple leaf over the years.
While athletic careers come to an end, memories of wearing the maple leaf last forever. Speed Skating Canada has a rich history and we’re excited to highlight some of the talented individuals who have helped put Canadian speed skating on the map by proudly representing us on the biggest stages.