Speed Skating Canada

Who We Are

We are the national governing body for speed skating in Canada. We’re here to rally, inspire and lead the charge for our country’s most successful Olympic sport. Founded in 1887, we proudly represent over 12,000 athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers from coast to coast.


The first formal speed skating race in Canada is believed to have taken place in 1854 when three British army officers raced down the St. Lawrence River from Montréal to Québec City. These types of races would quickly become a regular feature of winter life and, in 1887, the Amateur Skating Association of Canada – the country’s first amateur sport governing body – was formed.

As speed skating’s popularity grew worldwide, an international body to administer the sport became necessary, and so the International Skating Union (ISU) was formed in 1892. In 1894, the Amateur Skating Association of Canada became the first non-European member to join the ISU. In those formative years, speed skating and figure skating were both under the auspices of one organization. Figure skaters did not form their own association until 1939.

The Amateur Skating Association of Canada underwent changes in the century that followed, becoming the Canadian Amateur Speed Skating Association in 1960 and Speed Skating Canada in 2000. In 2019, the organization unveiled a reinvigorated new brand – a simple, bold and iconically Canadian visual identity accompanied by the aspirational tagline ‘Faster Forward’.

Learn more about our sport


We Inspire excellence on and off the ice.


We build a fun, safe and inclusive speed skating community across Canada that empowers everyone to grow strong and healthy



We are committed to doing the right thing. We accept our responsibility to be transparent. We are accountable for our actions and acknowledge where we can do better.


We invest in and celebrate our success. We are relentless in the pursuit of our goals. We seek opportunities for continuous improvement and growth.


We welcome everyone into the speed skating community. We respect and embrace differences. We create positive environments for all.


We encourage, energize and enable others. We collaborate with people who share our passion. We strive to go further as a team.


We set a clear and bold direction. We act with purpose. We make tough decisions and stand up for what we believe in.


Guided by the voices of dedicated and passionate athletes, coaches, officials, staff, and volunteers from across the country, our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is an ambitious roadmap that charts exciting new opportunities for our organization and identifies the objectives we will work towards over the next four years.


Our non-profit organization plays an important leadership role in all aspects of speed skating in Canada. Learn more about our organizational and membership structure, bylaws and operational policies, and find out how you can get involved during our Annual General Meeting and Congress.


Our Annual Report highlights some of the key successes of our speed skating community – at both the national and provincial level – over the past year. It is always inspiring to review the progress that we’ve made towards accomplishing the objectives outlined in our Strategic Plan.